COVID-19 Resources

What are markets doing to operate safely and efficiently during the COVID 19 pandemic? Below is a list of links for market safety information, webinar recordings, templates, and signage that will help provide your market with resources for operating during the pandemic. Also check out our Open Forum page, which has recordings of each topic forum on Market Planning for Market Managers, plus additional PowerPoints, photos, and other resources available.

9/1/2020 COVID Guidelines for Agritourism Activities [PDF]

8/3/2020 Interim Guidance for the Operation of Farmers Markets from NYSDAM [PDF]


Webinar from FMC: Contactless Models for Markets

Interested in learning to operate a curbside or drive-thru contactless model at your market? COVID-19 has impacted almost every aspect of farmers market operations. From wearing masks to social distancing, keeping shoppers and vendors safe has created new opportunities for innovation.

Contactless “Box programs” have popped up at farmers markets across the nation as a way to enable producers to sell to community members safely. Webinar attendees will leave with a better understanding of how viable a program like this may be for their market and how to begin implementing one. 


View the Presentation [Link]
View the Q&A [Link]

Other Information

Cornell CALS; COVID-19 and Your Produce Farm

View the Webinar
View the Presentation Slides

Farmers Markets physical redesign for covid-19 mitigation: farmers market coalition

Webinar: Farmers Markets Physical Resign for COVID-19 Mitigation

CCE St. Lawrence Webinars

CCE St. Lawrence hosted a three-part set of webinars for farms and food-based businesses.

4/17/2020 — Ecommerce: Selling Online 101

View Farm Direct Sales Software [PDF]
View the Resource Sheet
View the Chat Transcript

Information and Documents

Vendor Agreement Addendum

Brian Moyer, PA Farm Markets Director, recently released an article regarding a vendor agreement addendum for if a market vendor tests postivie for COVID-19, as well as a template for an addendum that you can edit. NOTE: Pennsylvania state and local information stated in the article may not pertain to New York law, be sure to check with your local government regarding regulations in your area.

COVID-19: Vendor Tests Positive or Exposed to Someone Who Has
COVID-19 Vendor Agreement Addendum Template

Farmers Market Reopening Safety Plan Template — View Here [Word Document]

With the reopening of the state, NY has asked that businesses, including farmers markets, prepare and maintain a Reopening Safety Plan that will detail what measures are being taken to prevent the spread of the virus where you work.

COVID-19 Market Signage — Access the signage kit here

The kit, designed by 29 Design Studio, provides a variety of signs with positive messaging for markets to display, to help customers understand new market rules.

Signs are available in 8 ½ by 11, A-Frame and sized for social media usage. There is no charge for using the signs other than printing what you need!

We thank 29 Design Studio’s Maureen Ballatori, Pilar McKay, and Courtney Carroway for offering their excellent design services pro-bono, to help markets better serve their customers and farmers during the public health crisis.