Free Energy Audits for Farmers and Non-Profits

There are currently two free state programs that are able to perform an energy study and provide calculations and recommendations to reduce energy related costs.

NYSERDA Agriculture Energy Audit (AEAP)

This program was created to help farmers reduce their energy costs and has helped over 600 farms in New York.

AEAP Fact Sheet
AEAP Application

Green Jobs Green New York Energy Audit Program (GJGNY)

Created to help small commercial businesses and non-profits reduce their energy related costs. Free audits are not a normal state program but this short term special case is a NYS effort to stimulate business activity.

GJGNY Fact Sheet
GJGNY Application

This information has been provided to the Farmers Market Federation of NY by The Daylight Savings Company. Daylight Savings Company (c1991) is a NYSERDA contractor (since 1998) providing energy efficiency expertise and maximizing benefits of state grants and incentives.
